About Us


The farm was started by Gordon Dearnley over 45 years ago; he purchased 5 acres of land. His intention was always to have a Dairy farm, but due to lack of land initially he started with Pigs. As he acquired more land he started to reduce the number of pigs and began introducing cattle into the business.

A traditional Farmhouse All Day Breakfast

During the first several years when he began the only way he could fund the development of the business was to work full time as well, and work on the farm in the early morning and evenings when he returned. The business has grown from this initial very modest start to a farm now covering 400 acres and having 350 head of dairy cows.

The Business has moved on from running on a sole trader basis and is now run by four members of the family as a partnership. We are now a ‘producer retailer’, whereby we actually process the milk we produce in our Dairy. The milk is put into both glass bottles and plastic containers and is delivered in the local area. We started with one milk man purchasing from us for a small round, we now have 20 self employed milk men who buy their milk from us.



Around 14 years ago we also started producing ice cream, this side of the business has grown and developed into Dearne Lea a  busy traditional tea room where we sell the majority of our ice cream from.

“I love the taste of the milk, it’s so creamy”

S Gower – Wakefield



   Have a look at our range of Ice            Visit our own dairy Website>>

   Cream straight from our Dairy>>






Copyright Dearne Lea Tea Room 2010








































































View Our Menu's





Home Made Cheese Cake.

"MMMM Perfect with a capachino"





"Beautiful local Brie, one of the many products made from our Dairy Farm"




01484 602555